Why Should You Pick XDC Network for Smart Contracts?

Self-proclaimed as a third-generation blockchain protocol, XDC Network is intended to tackle the challenges of first and second-generation blockchains, for example, low throughput, high transaction cost, and complicated development approach. Following are the special features of XDC Network:

Agreement mechanism

XDPoS is a special agreement algorithm that means to make the XDC Network more productive for tackling scalability issues and other blockchain-based issues without consuming high energy like other mainstream blockchains.

Low computation assets

XDC blockchain, through its XDPoS, consumes low computation assets of 0.0000074 TWh. In comparison, Ethereum and Bitcoin are 20.61 and 71.12, separately. The platform’s strong smart contracts guarantee a fast transaction confirmation season of two seconds, and it offers a 2000+ TPS. Such capability of this network is considerably higher than Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Easy verification

Indeed, even the most conspicuous blockchains refuse to allow buyer grade hardware to run a masternode. In contrast, XDC Network can easily run a 108-Masternode framework to support cunning strategies like twofold validation, staking utilizing smart contracts, and genuine randomization. XDPoS also offers a self-KYC feature that each open masternode holder should use to perform their personality verification to participate in agreement.

Interoperable smart contracts

By interoperable smart contracts, XDC Network alludes to PC programs encoded on the blockchain accessible across different blockchain networks. For instance, there’s no need to fabricate separate smart contracts to regulate dApps on Ethereum and the XDC blockchain since a solitary contract can regulate both.

xdc smart contract

For more details regarding XDC Smart Contract, visit here: https://www.leewayhertz.com/create-xdc-smart-contracts/

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